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Make Appointment

The first step to becoming energy-independent and lowering your electric bill is booking an appointment with one of our solar experts to discuss your specific needs.


During your consultation our experts will listen and evaluate your energy needs and design a system that is perfect for you and your budget.

solar system installation

Our experienced technicians will ensure that your solar system is installed correctly and optimized for performance. 

post Install

Our post-installation support and maintenance service will help you enjoy your solar system for years to come.


At Sanctum Solar we appreciate every opportunity we get to help our customers.

Whether you are just starting and looking for some information on Solar, or you are looking to power your business. We have you covered!


Technology has made it easier than ever to connect with each other which is why we are now offering completely virtual consultations to see if solar is right for you.


Schedule your FREE Consultation today by clicking the link below.




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